بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

اوكسيدنتال عمان .. OXY Oman .. فرص وظيفية .. الاحد 3 مارس 2013م

وردتني رسالة نصية لشركة اوكسي عمان بالشواغر الوظيفية المتوفرة ..

اليكم نص الرساله ...

Occidental of Oman would like to announce the following openings which are currently posted at

6713 Production Operator
Closing date: March 12, 2013

6698 Waste Management Operator
Closing date: March 9, 2013

Please refer to the website for more information and to apply

Recruitment Team
To block this service, SMS 2*Oxy Oman to 90096.

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